
With Sprinkles On Top.

Next to my parent's place, there is an ice cream parlor.
It is close enough that you can walk there, but far enough that you feel like you deserved your ice cream cone once you get there.

For years, me and my brother have had a tradition.
As soon as it's warm enough to ditch our coats, we walk to Vittorio's and savour the first ice cream of the year on our way back.

Over the years, many things have changed.
I went from being a chocolate kinda girl to enjoying weirder flavors like violet.
My brother grew (way) taller than me and we're now accompanied by his dog, my Mister K. and our dog.

Thankfully, some things never change.
Me and my brother are still like two peas in a pod.
That first ice cream of the year is still the one that tastes the best.

And more importantly, we still order our cones with rainbow sprinkles on top.

x, K.

My darling brother in full ice cream season.


  1. Parce que tout le monde sait que les granulés multicolores meilleurs que ceux au chocolat.
    Cela dit, j'espère que cette glace sera la première d'une longue série !

  2. Vu la température qu'il fait déjà maintenant, je crois que ce sera la première d'une série sans fin !
