
Liszt #3

A list of 5 awesome websites for the University student on the edge of a nervous breakdown.
Caution: some of them are highly addictive.

* Animals with Stuffed Animals

If this website doesn't cheer you up, I strongly suggest that you check yourself into a psychiatric hospital as I am afraid that nothing else will do the trick for you.

* This is Why You're Fat

If like me you are a frustrated stress eater who can't get her sugar fix because it makes you sluggish and is bad for the brain blablablah, looking at incredibly decadent creations has something weirdly soothing.

I'll make sure to toast to the end of my exams with a bacon mug.


Thank God my high school teachers never had that idea.

I don't want to be remembered as the girl who said that the head of India was a maharajah.

I can totally relate with the below picture.

I wouldn't want to be the person that messes with my Diet Coke stash.

Don't say you weren't warned though.

These websites will always win over whatever you're studying.

x, K.

1 comment:

  1. That dog is so you, admit it :)
    Hours and hours of fun mon bébé, i'm so in love with you!
